VACDaRN-sponsored events and trainings can help in your preparedness activities. This listing serves as a record of all of our virtual and in-person training, and any sessions that were recorded will be made available here.

February-March, 2024

Culture for Climate Action Vermont was a free virtual workshop series designed by UMass Amherst Arts Extension Service to empower Vermont arts and cultural organizations to develop, fund, and implement creative climate actions that align with their unique organizational mission, values, and priorities.
The series was geared toward staff and board members from Vermont’s arts and cultural heritage sector who own or lease facilities for their organizations. Session were held every other week, from 12-2 p.m., via Zoom, on the following topics: Carbon Mitigation, Climate Resilience, and Your Organization, Evaluating Your Facility and Operations, and Strategizing for Organizational Resilience and Sustainability, Programming, Outreach, and Community Engagement.

May 26-27, 2021

Career Protection for Artists: Preparing for an Emergency During an Emergency

While we’re still navigating the emergency of COVID-19, we also know that emergencies don’t take turns. What can you do to withstand and survive a career-threatening emergency and be more ready and resilient as an artist? Join CERF+ and fellow artists in this interactive two-part online free workshop for information and resources so you can better prepare for, respond to, and recover from crises both big and small. Learn about the non-profit organization CERF+, conducting a risk assessment, studio safety, disaster and emergency preparedness, documentation and safe storage, business insurance, and key actions to take to protect your career. You’ll have an opportunity to share what has worked for you and what has been challenging in the past year, and you’ll come out of this workshop with your own plan for a ready and resilient career.

April 22, 2021

Disaster Planning for Vermont Libraries: Intermediate Workshop

Perhaps your library has a disaster plan.  Maybe it is slightly outdated.  Or perhaps you took the beginner workshop and got really excited.  What next?  In this webinar we will delve deeper into disaster planning and discuss risk assessment, hazard mitigation, keeping plans up to date and front of mind, and how to develop a preparedness mindset.  VHRP Director Rachel Onuf will present and facilitate discussion. Presented in collaboration with the Vermont Historical Records Program (VHRP) and the Vermont Department of Libraries.

April 15, 2021

Disaster Planning for Vermont Libraries: Beginner Workshop

In the past year, the pandemic has impacted how Vermont’s libraries have provided services and reminded us of the value of preparing for both the expected and the unexpected. Disasters come in many forms and with the spring thaw just around the corner, there is no better time to start planning for flooding and other hazards. In this 60-minute webinar, Roving Archivist Sally Blanchard-O’Brien will cover the basics of emergency preparedness and disaster planning. Core concepts will be introduced along with some tools to help you begin developing a disaster plan for your library. Presented in collaboration with the Vermont Historical Records Program (VHRP) and the Vermont Department of Libraries.

Network Launch

September 19, 2019

Workshop attendees learning about effects of water on materials

After a year of organizing, the VACDaRN network officially launched on September 10, 2019 with a day-long meeting featuring discussion about the role of the network and a variety of trainings and resources on risk assessment, emergency planning, funding for recovery, and more. 

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Welcome; Weston Playhouse and Water: a Case Study; What is VACDaRN

Michele Bailey and Amy Cunningham, Vermont Arts Council

Charma Bonanno, Weston Playhouse

Rachel Onuf, Vermont Historical Records Program; Meg Ostrum, museum and arts consultant; Mary Margaret Schoenfeld, VACDaRN

Do as I Say, Not as I Have Done;  Tropical Storm Irene: What Have We Learned Since 

Janet Newcomb, performing arts coordinator for the Performing Arts Readiness Project and executive director of the National Coalition for Arts’ Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER)

Ben Rose, hazard and mitigation section chief, Vermont Emergency Management

Hazard Assessment as the Foundation for Emergency Planning

Douglas Babcock, director of public safety for St. Michael’s College and president of Vermont Emergency Management Association (VTEMA)

Developing an Emergency Plan

Sarah Rooker, Norwich Historical Society; Mark Bradley, Town Hall Theater

The Role of Artists in Recovery and Healing

Sarah-Lee Terrat, Yelodog Design; M. K. Monley

The Art of Mass Gatherings: Safety, Sustainability, Community Relations, Accessibility

Matthew Che Kowal, Performing Arts Readiness Project and Majestic Collaborations