Artists & cultural heritage organizations, please report if the July 2024 storms have impacted you

  • When it is safe to do so, VACDaRN would like to know if you sustained any damages during these events, especially to your collections or building, or need any assistance with recovery. You can report the details & let us know what you need via THIS FORM. We’ll be using this information to assess needs for on-site/direct help, as well as share the impact of this event on cultural organizations with state agencies and others.
  • Steps to take NOW if you or your private non-profit organization experienced damage from the severe weather:
  • Contact your insurance company.
  • Report damage to, using the Residential form or Business Form, or call 211, option 5.
  • DOCUMENT the damage with photographs; video could also be helpful. If more than one of these storms inflicted damage, to the extent possible, keep track of the damages from the different weather events separately. FEMA manages each disaster separately and will want to know which storm did which damage.
  • If the damage is to a road, driveway, or trail, also capture the GPS starting and ending point of each damaged section. Measure the “Length x Width x Depth” measurements in feet for each damaged section.
  • If you start to repair any damage, document all time and materials and keep receipts for any expenditures.
  • Then wait and see if Vermont requests disaster assistance for that event and if it is approved for your county.
  • If your county is approved for Individual Assistance (IA) and insurance will not cover the repair costs, you can apply for FEMA IA if this is your private property.
  • If your county is approved for Public Assistance (PA), insurance will not cover the repair costs, and the impacted property is a private non-profit (PNP), the PNP can apply for FEMA PA. You should go ahead and register for FEMA PA and at the same time, you must also apply for a loan from the Small Business Association; you will likely be denied but FEMA will need to see the denial letter. Fact Sheet for PNPs issued by the SBA.

Stay informed

Call for advice about your damaged creative work or collections!

  • NEDCC Collections Emergency Hotline: 855-245-8303 (24/7)
  • National Heritage Responders: 202-661-8068 (24/7)
  • VACDaRN: 802-622-4092 (7am-9pm)

Written guidance for salvaging water-damaged materials